The Ghosts In Our Machine

Interview with AA Jennie Ridler – Fighting Animal Testing

Jennie and Ella

Jennie Ridler is our Featured Animal Ambassador for August. She is a member of the Campaign Team for LUSH. The team works hard to raise awareness and stimulate change around important social and environmental issues. A cornerstone issue for LUSH is animal testing and LUSH is one of very few cosmetics companies that can claim their products are 100% cruelty free. Today we will be learning about some of the challenges and complexities that are part of the landscape of “Fighting Animal Testing“, LUSH’s latest global campaign.

Jennie and I will be blogging live today. We encourage our audience to ask questions and participate in the discussion. The discussion will begin at 10:30am EST.

To read more about Jennie please see her Animal Ambassador letter and bio.

For the Ghosts!

Nina Beveridge
Producer, The Ghosts In Our Machine

The Ghosts In Our Machine


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  1. Nina August 22, 2012 at 10:30 am

    Good Morning Jennie,
    Thanks for joining us today for a live blog discussion.
    I’d like to start by learning a bit about you. What led you to your current job at Lush?

  2. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 10:38 am

    Good Morning! I was attracted to work for LUSH for a couple of reasons; I already loved & used LUSH products but also I was attracted to a company who’s ethics & values matched my own and where they were actively working towards bringing about positive change in many ways.

    The company was founded in the UK (where I was born and raised) but the North American head office is in Vancouver, BC ( which I now happily call “home”).

  3. Nina August 22, 2012 at 10:40 am

    How long have you been working in Canada?

  4. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 10:42 am

    I’ve been here for 8 years, I feel very lucky to have moved here!

  5. Danielle August 22, 2012 at 10:50 am

    Hi Jennie! May I ask what drew you to Lush, and how you got involved in the campaign team? The actions I’ve seen done are amazing?! What inspires you, and the team? Thanks!

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 10:58 am

      Hi Danielle, I was drawn to work for LUSH because I love the products, but also because I wanted to work for a company who I would be proud to represent. Our team are inspired by the enthusiasm of our retail staff (who are the ones who execute our campaigns) and also by the kind words of encouragement from our customers. Customers will tell us the impact that our campaigns have made on their lives & choices, which is the best motivation for us!

  6. Nina August 22, 2012 at 10:52 am

    Can you please tell us a bit about what you do as a member of the Lush Campaign team?

  7. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 10:54 am

    The LUSH Campaigns team creates & supports the “campaigns” that we run in our stores and on our websites. LUSH has over 150 locations in North America and we are fortunate that we are able to use our stores windows as billboards to draw attention to important issues. Our store staff in all of our locations will engage customers in conversations about our chosen topic and we are often able to collect petition signatures or sell a special product to raise funds for our campaign partner (the partner will be a group who are permanently campaigning to raise awareness & bring about change on that issue).
    For a successful campaign, many LUSH departments will work together to ensure that we do the very best we can to raise awareness for our chosen cause. This includes PR, Marketing, Training, Graphic Design, Copy, Web, Social Media and Manufacturing.

  8. Nina August 22, 2012 at 10:59 am

    It is impressive that Lush has developed a system in which the entire staff is trained to communicate campaign issues to the public! Do you have a specific role you play in this process?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 11:09 am

      I work alongside two other talented ladies, and between us we are responsible for communication with our store staff. We coordinate all of the campaign elements and ensure that our stores receive all of the background information, campaign goals, and instructions. We also work as part of a larger team, helping to decide which issues we will tackle and what our main message will be. I feel very fortunate to be able to play a part in these campaigns!

  9. Danielle August 22, 2012 at 11:03 am

    I was drawn to Lush for the same reasons! It allowed me to promote products I love, and activism at work is pretty much the best job EVER! 🙂 (you should see my washroom! It’s black pots galore!)

    I saw a youtube video of a truck dumping poo, I believe in front of Parliament. Can you tell us more about that campaign, because to me, that was BRILLIANT!

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 11:19 am

      It’s great to hear that you love LUSH products & ethics, too! The campaign you are referring to, was indeed a very unique way to draw attention to an important cause!! I wasn’t involved in that project since that was initiated by our UK team, who were trying to get the attention of Members of the European Parliament. The MEPs were voting on an EU legislation called “REACH” which would lead to increased animal testing. The message to the member of parliament was “45,000,000 animals are sh**ting themselves over REACH”

  10. Nina August 22, 2012 at 11:21 am

    Jennie, can you please tell us about the Fighting Animal testing campaign? I understand it is the first global campaign that Lush has taken on.

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 11:33 am

      LUSH campaigns are usually developed by each country, to tackle the issues that we feel most passionate about in our own market. Our Fighting Animal Testing campaign is an initiative that we have taken on globally this year. It is not only an issue that we all feel strongly about, but it is also directly relevant to our business. There are some differences in each country around the current animal testing practices, but unfortunately we all need to continue to work hard, raise awareness and demand change. Unfortunately animals are still not protected and many consumers are not aware of the cruel practices behind their favorite cosmetics. LUSH hopes to use our global presence to ensure that the animals are not forgotten, to appeal for more focus on developing alternatives and to bring consumers together to demand change.

    • Danielle August 22, 2012 at 11:35 am

      Working at Lush during this campaign was amazing! People are often drawn by the bright colors and the scent of everything wonderful. SO many people didn’t realize what went into the products they were buying (ingredients, chemicals, and the testing) When people came in that DID know, they were just as strong advocating as we were! It was great!!!

  11. Danielle August 22, 2012 at 11:48 am

    Jennie, if someone is interested in getting more involved in campaigns, what would you suggest to them?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 11:50 am

      Danielle, the best approach is to reach out to marketing(at) with your ideas/suggestions/offer of help! We’re always excited to connect with passionate people who want to get involved.

  12. Nina August 22, 2012 at 11:49 am

    Can you please explain why LUSH does not use the cruelty-free ‘bunny’ labels on it’s products?

  13. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 11:50 am

    There are various different “cruelty free” groups that LUSH could join, which would allow us to use their logo on our products. Unfortunately none of their guidelines are strict enough to match LUSH’s Animal Testing Policy. We dont feel comfortable joining a group that doesnt entirely match our ethics, so we choose instead to opt out. For example, one of the common symbols for “cruelty free” cosmetics require that the product does not contain ingredients that were tested specifically for cosmetic use – but those ingredients may have been tested on animals for other purposes. At LUSH we think that cruelty free schemes/logos and codes of conduct that manufacturers can choose to adopt, are not strong enough. They only exist because there are no laws to protect animals! We are fighting for laws to force all companies to be totally cruelty free.

    • Nina August 22, 2012 at 11:53 am

      One of the most confusing things as a consumer is to know what these various labels really mean. Can you tell us why there are so many different label systems?

      • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 12:02 pm

        I completely agree. For the longest time I thought that if a product stated that it was not tested on animals or was cruelty free, then I could safely buy that item and know that an animal had not been impacted by the development of that product. Sadly that is not the case. I’d recommend that consumers research the product/manufacturer or cruelty free claim to see how far reaching it is.
        Is the final product tested on animals? If not, is it possible that any of the ingredients might have been tested on animals (either specifically for cosmetics use, or otherwise). For example LUSH’s Animal Testing policy states that not only do we not test on animals, but we wont source our ingredients from any suppliers who test on animals for any purpose, or any other customers.

        • Nina August 22, 2012 at 12:06 pm

          It puts the onus on the consumer to do further research. But at least there are places we can go online to find out more!

          • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 12:09 pm

            I know, I wish there was an easier answer but unfortunately until the law changes we have to take responsibility for our own research for each product & manufacturer. This is exactly why we have to fight for new laws to be passed to protect animals – then there would be no doubt about how far reaching a voluntary code of conduct or cruelty free claim might be!

  14. Nina August 22, 2012 at 12:07 pm

    Jennie is the Animal Testing policy the same for all LUSH stores globally? Or does it differ from country to country?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 12:19 pm

      LUSH’s Animal Testing policy is the same for every store worldwide, and this is also an important consideration when choosing a supplier. There are a few countries where LUSH cannot open shops (because those countries require products to be tested on animals). Other than doing business in those few countries LUSH has shown that it is possible to grow a successful, global business without needing to test on animals at any stage. LUSH has invented and made a wide range of products which meet all of the legal safety requirements, are effective and have not used any animal tests. We are proof that it is possible! Animal Testing is completely unnecessary!

      • Nina August 22, 2012 at 12:24 pm

        This is inspiring! Jennie you mentioned REACH earlier – would REACH potentially change the countries you could sell cruelty-free products to – and why?

  15. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    REACH is a huge concern to LUSH.We have been campaigning against REACH for years and will continue to do so. In a nutshell, REACH is a European legislation which (if upheld, in it’s entirety) would require that every manufactured ingredient used in any product made or imported to the EU would have to be tested for safety. This includes tests on animals. While we agree that it is important to ensure that consumers are not coming into contact with any dangerous or toxic ingredients, we do not believe that animal tests are the correct way to determine safe use for humans. We are also very concerned about the proposed requirement to run new tests on ingredients that have a long, long history of safe use in many consumable products. We wish to always run our company according to the same strict “no testing” policy that our founders first committed to over 30 years ago. We will continue to fight against REACH and to fight for an end to Animal Testing entirely.

    • Nina August 22, 2012 at 12:42 pm

      Thank-you Jennie for your time answering our questions this morning. I look forward to learning more about your campaign work later on today when our discussion resumes at 4:00 – 5:00 EST / 1:00 – 2:00 pm PST.
      For the Ghosts!

      • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 12:43 pm

        I look forward to it!

  16. Nina August 22, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Jennie, welcome back. Can you tell us how working on campaigns such as the Fighting Animal Testing campaign has affected you personally?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 4:13 pm

      Thanks. Working on the campaigns team at LUSH has had a huge impact on me personally. Prior to my career here I was already an animal lover and had worked/volunteered with animals in the past, but it wasn’t until I began working here that I really started to ask questions about the impact that my choices have on animals. I am fortunate to work with many passionate activists and have learned from the great examples that they show in the lifestyles that they lead. In finding myself surrounded by such inspirational people, and by becoming more informed, I have made many changes in my own life. The more that I have learned about the terrible cruelty that animals endure, the more I have tried to lessen my own impact.

      • Nina August 22, 2012 at 4:17 pm

        Hi Jennie, it’s an interesting process – I have also experienced it as a result of working with the amazing Ghosts team! The process started in my head/intellect and has made its way gently filtering/percolating to my heart-was it like that for you? What about the people around you?

  17. Donna Oakes August 22, 2012 at 4:20 pm

    Hi Jennie,
    I am one of the coaches for the Ghost Free Journey. I wanted to thank you for the commitment that LUSH has shown towards ending animal testing. At a time when so many other companies have gone back on their promises, LUSH stands out as a beacon of hope for the animals.

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 4:32 pm

      Thank You Donna. I will certainly pass on your kind words to the LUSH founders and all of the team who continue to campaign on this issue!

  18. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 4:30 pm

    It was a slow realization that I needed to make a change, but for me I think it started in my heart! I always felt uncomfortable with the idea of eating meat, but I had this crazy misconception that it was hard to eat a balanced/healthy diet without it and that it was an unfortunate necessity to consume animal products. I also thought it would be difficult to find meal options and make that big adjustment; every meal that I had would have previously included meat or dairy. Here at LUSH I am working alongside so many vegans & vegetarians and I’ve learned from them that I can be healthy and enjoy many nutritious and delicious vegan or vegetarian meals.Even our company meetings are always catered for vegans!! I was introduced by my co workers to many interesting documentaries, websites, recipes etc. and I’m very fortunate that my husband has not only supported this change, but has wholeheartedly embraced it. We are not quite 100% strictly vegan yet in every way, but we don’t eat meat and have transitioned to dairy alternatives. We are much more conscious in so many other ways too; from household products, to clothing, to leisure…etc etc. My experiences at work have impacted my whole life in so many ways!

    • Nina August 22, 2012 at 4:32 pm

      It’s a constant learning experience isn’t it?

      • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 4:34 pm

        Absolutely. I hope that as time goes on, I can not only continue to lessen my own impact, but perhaps one day I will also inspire & support someone else to change, in the way that my team mates (especially Tricia & Brandi) have inspired me!

    • Nina August 22, 2012 at 4:34 pm

      What other LUSH campaigns have really inspired you?

      • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 4:45 pm

        LUSH has campaigned on so many important environmental, humanitarian and animal issues. The other campaigns that have really educated and inspired me have been our campaign to inform about the devastating impact of the Palm Oil industry (LUSH switched to a Palm Free soap base a few years ago, and encouraged others to do the same) Learning about the many species at risk,and the horrific environmental impact from the creation of Palm plantations, forced me to read product labels even more closely. I was also really impacted by our work calling for a ban on the sale and import of Shark Fins, I was stunned to learn of the number of sharks who were butchered for their fins alone, the suffering is far worse than I had ever imagined. l found that by working on this campaign I had a renewed motivation to fight for all animals. LUSH has also tackled dog sledding and the Canadian Seal Hunt,both of which were very divisive issues for our customers and staff….the list goes on, truly I am inspired by all of our campaigns!

        • Nina August 22, 2012 at 4:51 pm

          You have had an opportunity to contribute to so many meaningful projects! I remember the highly publicized Toronto City Council vote to ban Shark Fin soup in October 2011.
          Can people learn more about the campaigns listed above on the LUSH website or are there other resources they can explore that you can point us to?

          • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 5:12 pm

            There is some information on the main LUSH website (under the LEARN ABOUT LUSH page) it is under construction right now, but eventually will be an archive that shows all of our campaigns, past and present.
            Check and I’d also recommend visiting our Charity Pot page, which showcases the charities we have supported over the years, this includes many of our campaign partners who continue to inspire us with their work. See

        • Donna Oakes August 22, 2012 at 4:59 pm

          It truly does seem that the more that you do, the more that you can do! Rather than feeling defeated by the horrors out there, you have been motivated to campaign for change. There is no limit to the compassion that we can feel for others or the number of issues that we can fight for. I love hearing about the diversity of campaigns that you mentioned.

          • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 5:13 pm

            I agree, the more we learn, the more we want to make a difference!

        • Nina August 22, 2012 at 5:01 pm

          Can you tell us more about the Palm Oil industry? What are the devastating impacts that you are referring to?

          • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 5:23 pm

            The deforestation which occurs to make space for palm plantations, destroys the delicate ecosystem and has irreversible effects on the species that live there. In particular we hoped to draw attention to the Orangutans whose habitat was being destroyed. The population is threatened to such an extent that there are genuine concerns about extinction. LUSH hoped to raise awareness about the use of palm oil in soaps, but also to encourage consumers to try and buy palm-free in all areas. So many food products, candies and cookies contain palm oil and so many customers were completely unaware how devastating this farming practice is to these habitats in Indonesia & Borneo.

  19. Nina August 22, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    Thanks Jennie for telling us more about your campaign work. When we resume at 7:30 – 8:00pm EST / 4:30 – 5:00pm PST we will learn about the amazing funding programs run by LUSH to support and stimulate positive change in the world!
    For the Ghosts!

  20. Jennie August 22, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    Thanks Nina!

  21. Coach Rosemary August 22, 2012 at 7:22 pm

    Hi Jennie,
    I am also a Coach, along with Donna for the Ghost Free Journey. Thank you for your contributions and commitment to provide products that are fun, useful, and cruelty-free. I’m enjoying reading this interview, and look forward to learning more about LUSH campaigns!
    I agree about the more we learn, the more we need to learn…..I’m now trying to read labels to look for palm oil (we use Earth Balance at home). Just when I got my family to transition away from butter, and comfortable with Earth Balance…now this. I’ve written to them, and read their website’s info about their use, and they claim it is sustainably sourced. Any suggestions?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 7:39 pm

      Hi Rosemary, Of course everyone should draw their own conclusions about whether a sustainably sourced palm oil, is a good alternative. For me, the certification is an improvement, but not enough for me to feel OK about buying palm oil products. (although I have yet to find palm free alternatives for everything, so reluctantly continue to purchase some products containing palm oil). My concern about the certification for sustainable palm oil, is that the scheme was set up by, and funded by the largest purchasers. The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) was created in response to consumer and media backlash. I do not personally feel satisfied with their certification requirements. The more I learn, the more I realize just how much there is still to learn! I wish I could offer you a definitive answer, but I’m still searching for that myself….

  22. Nina August 22, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Hi Jennie, can you please tell us a little bit about the 2012 LUSH Prize supporting Animal-Free Testing? This is a very large prize!

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 7:49 pm

      Earlier this summer, LUSH UK created a fund of 250,000 British pounds (approx $400,000). The fund is intended to encourage and support developments in the fight against animal testing. LUSH is awarding prizes of 50,000 pounds in each of 5 categories; Training, Lobbying, Public Awareness, Science and Young researchers. In the event of a major breakthrough in alternatives, it is possible that the entire prize fund might be donated to the individual or group responsible. Entrants are encouraged from anywhere in the world, and the prize is due to be announced in November 2012. To learn more please visit – it is a very exciting project for LUSH!

      • Nina August 22, 2012 at 7:50 pm

        Can you give me an example of what kind of breakthrough LUSH would be looking for? It is exciting that you are targeting young people.

        • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 8:01 pm

          We haven’t set any guidelines or limitations, we hope that the financial reward will draw attention to the cause and give some much needed funding to those who are trying to bring about change. The prize fund is a partnership between LUSH and Ethical Consumer, who analyze businesses in 23 ethical criteria and then provide guidance for consumers who are striving to make ethical purchasing decisions. They are overseeing the prize fund, along with key members of the LUSH team. The judges for the prize fund are scientists and experts working towards alternatives to animal testing. They are independent of LUSH and Ethical Consumer, but have kindly agreed to use their expertise to determine which entrants are most worthy.

  23. Nina August 22, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    Jennie, the work you and LUSH are doing is groundbreaking and inspirational. The campaigns you have worked on – from palm oil sustainability to shark fishing to animal testing – show how much work there is to be done to protect animals. Do you see any kind of shift in attitude happening towards animal consumption, either with governments, corporations or consumers?

    • Jennie August 22, 2012 at 8:11 pm

      Yes! There is a long way to go, but every week I learn something that convinces me that there is a shift happening for the better. Whether it is our own shop staff or customers giving us feedback on their opinions on these issues, or an article in the media, or new protections being proposed to government. We are encouraged by this increased awareness, but obviously the fight for the animals still requires so many more changes to be made. The Ghosts in our Machine, will further spark debate, inform and reach out to a broader audience; Thank You.

      • Nina August 22, 2012 at 8:14 pm

        Thank you Jennie, for taking the time to explain about the great campaign work that you are doing with LUSH – and thank you for agreeing to be an Animal Ambassador for the Ghosts In Our Machine.
        For the Ghosts!
        Nina Beveridge
        Producer, The Ghosts In Our Machine