The Ghosts In Our Machine

Canadian Screen Awards 4 Nominations

GHOSTS MEDIA is proud to announce
4 Canadian Screen Awards’ Nominations
for The Ghosts In Our Machine

(names are in alphabetical order)

Donald Brittain Award for Best Social/Political Documentary
Nina Beveridge, Liz Marshall

Best Direction in a Documentary Program
Liz Marshall

Best Photography in a Documentary Program
Nick de Pencier, Liz Marshall, Iris Ng, John Price

Best Sound in a Documentary Program
Garrett Kerr, Jason Milligan, Daniel Pellerin


The Donald Brittain Award for Best Social/Political Documentary is the greatest honour bestowed upon a social-issue documentary in Canada. To be nominated for four prestigious 2015 Canadian Screen Awards, including Best Director, is a shining moment for the film and the filmmaking team; a beacon to illuminate the billions of animals around the globe used for food, fashion, research and entertainment. 

– Liz Marshall, Director, Producer, Writer, Co-Cinematographer

Tuesday, February 24th, 2015
Canadian Screen Awards

Television & Digital Media Awards Gala
See here for more information.
DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of 2015 Nominees 


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