The Ghosts In Our Machine

Bruce Friedrich

“It is a simple fact that other animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone-just like we are. They have the same five physiological senses, the same range of emotion, and well-developed cognitive skills. Any differences between humans and other species are differences of degree, not kind. These are the scientific facts. At Farm Sanctuary, we turn these facts into our mission, which involves rescuing and providing a safe place for animal victims of the exceedingly cruel meat, dairy, and egg industries. We spend our lives with farmed animals, and we know them personally, as individuals-just like many in North America know dogs and cats. We’re excited about, and pleased to be a part of  THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE, because it will introduce viewers to who animals are, and what they go through. Knowledge is a powerful thing-once viewers know, they will be forever changed.”
Bruce Friedrich
Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives, Farm Sanctuary
photo courtesy Jo-Anne McArthur

Bruce Friedrich is senior director for strategic initiatives at Farm Sanctuary, where he works to introduce the world to who farmed animals are. Bruce has worked as a public school teacher in inner city Baltimore (where he was “teacher of the year” for his school), at a homeless shelter and soup kitchen in Washington, D.C., and at PETA, where he was vice president for policy and government affairs. He co-authored the Animal Activist’s Handbook, a book about which Peter Singer states: “Rarely have so few pages contained so much intelligence and good advice. Get it, read it, and act on it. Now.”.

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