#ForTheGhosts Community Screenings & Impact Campaign
Produced & Distributed by LizMars Productions Inc.
Supported by the Bertha BRITDOC Connect Fund
For those in the U.S. interested in hosting a Community Screening in the U.S. you can do so through our trusted partner BullFrog Films. Please proceed to BULLFROG COMMUNITIES to book your U.S. event today.
To view upcoming and past events, please visit our SCREENINGS‘ pages for details.
STEP #1. Learn how it works!
Before contacting us with questions please read our HOST A SCREENING page.
STEP #2. If you are serious about hosting a Community Screening of THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE please carefully review the details and requirements of our online SUBMISSION FORM, we require that you fill it out completely and submit when you are ready.
STEP #3. We will be in touch no later than 2-weeks to confirm your submission (usually within a week). Assuming all is in order, we will send you the license fee information, and will help to ensure that you have everything you need to make your event a success! Our license fee is standard and customized to fit the size of your event, it ranges from $300 – $75 per screening, and we offer additional discounts when necessary. We also encourage hosts to consider purchasing a “multi-screening license”, so that you can continue to host public events, ongoing. Please be very specific about your needs and we can respond quickly to help you to make it a reality. Thank you!
Eligible individuals and organizations can apply today for a VEGFUND GRANT to help fund a Community Screening of THE GHOSTS IN OUR MACHINE. Be sure to read the VegFund Screenings guidelines BEFORE filling out the VegFund online application form. VegFund grants are for venues, the cost of the film’s licensing fee (that you pay for through LizMars Productions), food samples and literature. VegFund grants are NOT for speaking fees, travel, lodging. VegFund grants are reimbursement based, with proof of event required, including all receipts.
Thank you so much for your interest in the film, and for your commitment to our animal friends.
For the Ghosts,
Liz Marshall
LizMars Productions Inc. / Ghosts Media Inc.